Revenue / Expense Budget

REVENUES20182019201920192020ACTUALPROPOSEDJAN-SEPESTIMATEPROPOSEDTAXES  General   Prop   Taxes142,468143,772143,772143,772144,395  Forest   Crop/Mngd   Forest17,27115,00016,89016,89015,000  Woodland  ...

December 2019 Minutes

December 18, 2019 Board Members present: Charles Smith, Brian Flick, Kathy Patterson and Don Forsting at 7:15 PM. Tom Gearing-absent Meeting called to order by Chairman Smith at 7:00 PM. Minutes from November 20, 2019 meeting were read into the record.  Motion by...

December 2019 Agenda

NOTICE AND AGENDA DATE: December 18, 2019 TIME: 7:00 PM PLACE: Alma Town Hall PUBLIC NOTICE: Posted agenda ROLLCALL: CITIZENS AND DELEGATES: MINUTES: Approve the minutes of last meeting. FINANCIAL REPORT: AUTHORIZE PAYMENTS: Road report. Small Mound – request for Name...
Small Mound Name Change Proposal

Small Mound Name Change Proposal

The Wisconsin Geographic Names Council needs your input. WGNC received a proposal from Ronald L. Lafferty in 2019 to rename “Small Mound” to Lafferty Mound. The proponent owns some of but not all the property where the summit is located. The proponent...

November 2019 Minutes

All Board Members present Meeting called to order by Chairman Smith at 7:00 PM. Minutes from October 16, 2019 meeting were read into the record.  Motion by Gearing, second by Flick to approve minutes as read.  Motion carried. Treasurer’s report: ...