September 18, 2019

All Board Members present

Meeting called to order by Chairman Smith at 7:00 PM.

Minutes from August 18, 2019 meeting were read into the record.  Motion by Gearing, second by Flick to approve minutes as read.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report:  Current balance $174,638.15 less $81,200.00 reserved for cash on hand balance of 93438.15.  Motion by Flick, second by Gearing to approve report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Gearing, second by Flick to authorize payments for the month. Motion carried.

Citizen comments:

New Business:

  1. Road report- Dunlap Road culvert completed, 2 culverts replaced on Meek Rd. County Line culvert replaced. S Alma Center Rd-overlay completed with chip seal to done later. Continuing mowing and brushing.
  2. Discussion on request for Old Hwy K ATV route- letters shared from property owners adjacent to the route in support. Motion by Flick to approve route, second by Gearing with official ordinance brought to October meeting for approval. Motion carried.
  3. Discussion on WI Proppants request for air monitoring variance. Jolene Janke spoke in objection to the request, specifying concerns for public safety. Colin Yohe presented the information from the DNR regarding their acceptance of discontinuance of monitoring requirement. Samples are pulled every six days.  Motion by Gearing second by Flick to deny the variance request. Roll call : All answered –Aye. Motion carried.

Next meeting scheduled for October 16, 2019.

Motion by Gearing second by Flick to adjourn. Adjourned at 7:45PM.

Don Forsting, Clerk

*Minutes are not official until read and approved at the next monthly meeting.