November 2019 Minutes

All Board Members present

Meeting called to order by Chairman Smith at 7:00 PM.

Minutes from October 16, 2019 meeting were read into the record.  Motion by Gearing, second by Flick to approve minutes as read.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report:  Current balance $166,784.75 less $81,200.00 reserved for cash on hand balance of 85,584.75.  Motion by Flick, second by Gearing to approve report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Gearing, second by Flick to authorize payments for the month. Motion carried.

Citizen comments: None.

  1. Road report- Sission Rd has been graveled with 4 inches compacted (57 loads). Continue to put Fire numbers as time allows. Kovar Rd has been reopened for deer hunting. Mathews Rd culvert has been replaced. E Snow Creek Rd culvert replaced and work done around ends of another culvert. DOT road report has been submitted.
  2. Jackson County Crimestoppers- Clerk shared letter from Jackson County Sheriff’s Department regarding reintroducing Crimestoppers.
  3. Request from WI Geological Organization request to change the name of Small Mound. Ron Lafferty explained the area under consideration and the background on request to change the name to Lafferty Mound. Contact will be made with adjacent property owner to verify support to renaming. Item will be placed on December agenda.

 Next meeting scheduled for December 18, 2019.

Motion by Gearing second by Flick to adjourn. Adjourned at 7:54PM.

Don Forsting, Clerk