January 15, 2025

Board members present: Charles Smith, Mat Murray, Kathy Patterson, Don Forsting.
Member absent: Tom Gearing

  • Meeting called to order by Chairman Smith at 7:25 PM following completion of Caucus.
  • Minutes from December 18, 2024 were read into the record. Motion by mat Murray, second by Charles Smith to
  • approve the minutes as read. Motion carried.
  • Treasurer’s report: Current balance $15,748.5648 less $86,000.00 reserved for equipment, 12,200 building reserve for a
  • cash on hand balance of -82,451.44. Clerk will contact financial institutions for borrowing needs to cover shortfall.
  • Motion by Murray, second by Smith to approve report. Motion carried.
  • Motion by Murray, second by Smith to authorize payments for the month. Motion carried.
  • Citizen comments: None
  • New Business:
  1. Road report- Plowing and sanding roads as needed. Brush removal on right of way continues as time is available.
    Notification received of completion of salt sand inventory.
  2. Culvert inventory- 29 culverts were identified and were submitted to Jackson County Highway Dept. Inspection will
    be done by Dittmer Construction.
  3. Railroad crossing update- 11 crossings total. Work completed on several crossings. All brush clearing on Town right
    of way completed. Continue to work with private property owners, Jackson County and both railroads to address
    additional clearing that needs to occur to satisfy clearing of 330 foot triangle as specified by Office of Commissioner
    of Railroads. Signage installed and all crossings painted as specified by OCR. OCR representative still indicated
    suggested closure of E Gilbert and east Railroad Rd crossings. CN crew indicated that they would complete on Sand
    Rd and Railroad Rd crossings. Chairman Smith shared all updated information with Kimberly from OCR.
  4. ARIP project- Application for second phase of ARIP funding to reconstruct Castle Hill Rd to Jeffrey Rd intersection
    was not approved.
  5. Motion by Murray, second by Smith to approve Endorsement of BEAD Funding application with Clerk to provide
    letter of support on behalf of the Board. Motion carried.
  6. Motion by Smith, second by Murray to approve Resolution #2025-01, Support for Elk Damaged Properties. Motion
    carried. Clerk will obtain Supervisor Gearings signature when he returns.
    Motion by Murray, second by Smith to adjourn. Adjourned at 8:18 PM.
    Don Forsting, Clerk
    *Minutes are not official until read and approved at the next monthly meeting.