February 19, 2025
All Board members present:
Meeting called to order by Chairman Smith at 7:00 PM.
Minutes from January 15, 2025 were read into the record. Motion by Mat Murray, second by Tom Gearing to approve the minutes as read. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report: Current balance $913,309.98 less $86,000.00 reserved for equipment, 12,200 building reserve for a cash on hand balance of $815,109.98. Motion by Gearing, second by Murray to approve report. Motion carried.
Motion by Murray, second by Gearing to authorize payments for the month. Motion carried.
Citizen comments: Kathy asked for update on Jeffrey Rd ARIP project. Charlie shared information on current status with the engineer for project. Dan shared information that the Sterling was shifting hard. Charlie will check on. Will also check on shop doors. All fire extinguishers update with additional purchases for equipment needing.
- Jackson County Forestry grant application. Due date of April 4, 2025. Chairman will submit a request up to $10,000 for another section of Kovar Road. Town share 50%.
- Local bridge inspection- Jackson County is outsourcing inspection to BCD Services LLC. Charlie signed agreement.
- Motion by Gearing, second by Murray to approve ordinance 2025-01 posting 45 MPH speed limit on Town roads with railroad crossings. Copy of ordinance attached to the minutes.
Motion by Gearing, second by Murray to adjourn. Adjourned at 7:36 PM.
Don Forsting, Clerk
*Minutes are not official until read and approved at the next monthly meeting.