December 2019 Minutes

December 18, 2019

Board Members present: Charles Smith, Brian Flick, Kathy Patterson and Don Forsting at 7:15 PM.

Tom Gearing-absent

Meeting called to order by Chairman Smith at 7:00 PM.

Minutes from November 20, 2019 meeting were read into the record.  Motion by Flick, second by Gearing to approve minutes as read.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report:  Current balance $151,448.33 less $81,200.00 reserved for cash on hand balance of 70,248.33.  Motion by Flick, second by Smith to approve report.  Motion carried.

Motion by Flick, second by Smith to authorize payments for the month. Motion carried.

Citizen comments: None.

  1. Road report- Avon Rd hydrants are close to road and no ditch left by water line construction. Charlie has requested that they reditch the area of concern. W Snow Creek Rd & Oak Grove stop sign replaced again. PASER report on Town roads submitted on December 11th.
  2. Request from WI Geological Organization request to change the name of Small Mound. Letter received from Nighbor’s in support of the renaming proposed. Motion by Smith second by Flick to adopt the support request position request to rename Small Mound-Lafferty Mound. Motion carried.
  3. Clerk presented Bowmar Appraisal proposed contract for re-evaluation of the Town. Proposal would be for field work done in 2020 & 2021 and new values implemented in 2022. Total cost of $67,500 which would be $22500 per year.

 Next meeting scheduled for January 15, 2020.

Motion by Flick second by Smith to adjourn. Adjourned at 7:45PM.

Don Forsting, Clerk

*Minutes are not official until approved at the next regular meeting.